%0 Journal Article %T Algorithm and Execution of Election Administration Approach in Query After Crash Recovery Case (QCRC) to Elect Coordinator for Distributed System %A Dr. S.K Gandhi %A Pawan Kumar Thakur %J International Journal of Research in Management, Science & Technology %D 2013 %I Prannath Parnami Institute of Management & Technology, Hisar %X Different election algorithms are used toelect a coordinator among the available processes in thesystem such a way that there will be only one coordinatorat any time in query after recovery case. Bully electionalgorithm is one of the classical and well-knownapproaches in coordinator election process in this case.This paper will present the algorithm and execution ofelection administration approach in query after recoveryease to elect the coordinator. This approach not onlyreduces redundant elections but also minimizes totalnumber of elections and hence it will minimize messagepassing, network traffic, and complexity of the existingsystem. %U http://www.ijrmst.org/download/issue7.pdf