%0 Journal Article %T Construir la ciudad gen¨¦rica %A Jarauta %A Francisco %J DC PAPERS : Revista de Cr¨ªtica y Teor¨ªa de la Arquitectura %D 2012 %I Universitat Polit¨¨cnica de Catalunya %X Since the contingencies of the present times and following Rem Koolhaas¡¯ essay The Generic City (1995), the text explores the possibilities of a new cartography derived from political, economic and social development. Radical architecture models as Constant¡¯s New Babylon (1959) and Archigram (1963) raised the unresolved questions of the contemporary time. Only word, according to their strict etymological sense, can open new questions, such as those enunciated by Martin Heidegger in his Bauen Wohnen, Denken (Building, Dwelling, Thinking, 1951 %K Generic City %K Situationist d¨¦rive %K Archigram %K New Babylon %K Martin Heidegger %K Rem Koolhaas %K cartography %U http://hdl.handle.net/2099/12409