%0 Journal Article %T Review of Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography and Its Application %A Nikalje Anna Pratima* %A Baheti Shraddha %A Sayyad Zibran %J International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Science %D 2013 %I %X Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) can be regarded as a new direction for liquidchromatography. UPLC improves three areas of Liquid chromatography: speed, resolution, andsensitivity. In this system column containing bridged ethylsiloxane / silica hybrid (BEH) structure withfine particle size (less than 1.7¦Ìm) is utilized. The use of which decreases the length of column, savestime and reduces solvent consumption. This system is designed in a special way to withstand highsystem back-pressures. Now a day¡¯s pharmaceutical industries as well as analytical laboratories are insearch of new ways to reduce cost and time for analysis of drugs and improve quality of their product.UPLC with better resolution, assay sensitivity and high sample throughput allows a greater number ofanalyses to be performed in a shorter period of time and it also imparts cost effective advantage overHPLC analysis. So that conventional assay was transferred and optimized for UPLC system. Thisreview introduces the theory of UPLC and summarizes some of its applications with examples. %K Ultra performance liquid Chromatography %K High performance liquid chromatography %U http://www.ijrpsonline.com/pdf/0237.pdf