%0 Journal Article %T The CT-arthrography in the antero-inferior glenoid labral lesion: Pictorial presentation and diagnostic value %A Zappia Marcello %A Negri Giacomo %A Grassi Siro %A Pecoraro Cesira %J International Journal of Shoulder Surgery %D 2008 %I Medknow Publications %X Objective: To present the Computed Tomography (CT)-Arthrography appearance of the most common types of anterior labral lesion and to assess the diagnostic value of this technique in the detection and classification of the antero-inferior labral tears in glenohumeral joint instability. Materials and Methods: The pre-operative CT-Arthrography records of 43 patients, who underwent surgery for anterior shoulder instability, were retrospectively evaluated independently by two radiologists. The data were compared with arthroscopic results and the diagnostic accuracy of CT-Arthrography was calculated to detect the labral lesion and the agreement between the CT-Arthrography lesions classification and the arthroscopy classification. Results: The CT-Arthrography sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were: 92% / 89% (reader 1/reader 2), 86% / 86% and 91% / 88% respectively. The CT-Arthrography classification was correct in 86% of cases. Conclusions: CT-Arthrography appears to be an accurate means for identification and classification of the anterior labral tears and, identifying the labral degeneration, this technique can be very helpful in the selection of patient for arthroscopic stabilization of the shoulder. %K Arthrography %K CT %K instability %K labral lesion %K shoulder %U http://www.internationalshoulderjournal.org/article.asp?issn=0973-6042;year=2008;volume=2;issue=1;spage=7;epage=12;aulast=Zappia