%0 Journal Article %T Reliability Evaluation of Object Oriented Software Systems Using Communication Variabiles ¨C A Review %A S. Somasundaram %A R. Chinnaiyan %J International Journal of Software Engineering %D 2009 %I Software Engineering Competence Center (SECC) %X Over the past 30 years, many software reliability growth models (SRGM) havebeen proposed. Object-oriented software development practices are beingrapidly adopted within increasingly complex systems, including real-time andconcurrent system applications. To address reliability issues in designingobject oriented software for this concurrent, time-critical system, this paperreviews an approach using the communication variables. Often, it is assumedthat detected faults are immediately corrected when mathematical models aredeveloped. This assumption may not be realistic in practice because the timeto remove a detected fault depends on the complexity of the fault, the skilland experience of personnel, the size of debugging team, and the techniquebeing used, and so on. During software testing, practical experiences showthat mutually independent faults can be directly detected and removed, butmutually dependent faults can be removed iff the leading faults have beenremoved. That is, dependent faults may not be immediately removed, and thefault removal process lags behind the fault detection process. In this paper,we will first give a review of fault detection & correction processes in softwarereliability modeling. We will then illustrate the fact that detected faults cannotbe immediately corrected with several examples. We also discuss the softwarefault dependency in detail, and study how to incorporate both fault dependencyand debugging time lag into software reliability modeling. The proposed modelsare fairly general models that cover a variety of known SRGM under differentconditions. Numerical examples are presented, and the results show that theproposed framework to incorporate both fault dependency and debugging timelag for SRGM has a better prediction capability. In addition, an optimal softwarerelease policy for the proposed models, based on cost-reliability criterion, isproposed. %K Fault correction %K fault detection %K Non-homogeneous Poisson %K Proesses %K software reliability growth models %K software testing %U http://www.ijse.org.eg/Content/Vol2/No2/Vol2_No2_5.pdf