%0 Journal Article %T Efek pemberian dosis akriflavin dan lama perendaman yang berbeda terhadap rasio pembentukan kelamin jantan ikan baung (Hemibagrus nemurus) %A Junius Akbar %A Agussyarif Hanafie %J Depik Jurnal %D 2013 %I Universitas Syiah Kuala %X The purpose of this study was to examine the Acriflavine doses and immersion time on the sex ratio and survival rate of Bagrid catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus. The completely randomized design of factorial was applied in this research (4x2) with 3 replications. The tested doses were 0 mg/L, 2.5 mg/L, 5 mg/L, and 7.5 mg/L and immersion times were 6 hours and 12 hours. The Anova test showed that Acriflavine doses and immersion times were not influence significantly on survival rate and sex ratio of Hemibagrus nemurus. However, the highest male sex ratio was found 5 mg/L dose and 12 hours immersion time. %U http://jurnal.unsyiah.ac.id/depik/article/view/285/271