%0 Journal Article %T Application Philosophy of Fuzzy Regression %A Mr. T. D. Dongale %A Mr. S. R. Ghatage %A Dr. R. R. Mudholkar %J International Journal of Soft Computing & Engineering %D 2013 %I International Journal of Soft Computing & Engineering %X The uncertainties and its prediction normally tendto be complex phenomena. The randomness and fuzziness are twokinds of uncertainties possible in real time. The randomness dealswith the general uncertainties whereas; the fuzzy logic addressesthe linguistic uncertainties. The fuzzy logic and its allied field dealwith the every part of uncertainties in fuzzy way. For a situationwhere, complex predictions are to tackle then statistical regressionmethodology is used from many years. The next step in thisscenario for dealing with uncertainties is the ¡®Fuzzy Regression¡¯.This paper presents the elementary theory of fuzzy regression andthe philosophy behind its potential application. %K Fuzzy Logic %K Fuzzy Regression %K Uncertainties %K Computational Intelligence %U http://www.ijsce.org/attachments/File/v2i6/F1140112612.pdf