%0 Journal Article %T Pour une vision ¨¦largie des performances de la fili¨¨re ostr¨¦icole ¨¤ partir d¡¯une approche en termes de patrimoine for a broader vision of the performances of the oyster farming industry from an approach in terms of heritage %A Audrey Rivaud %A Clarisse Cazals %J D¨¦veloppement Durable et Territoires %D 2012 %I R¨¦seau D¨¦veloppement Durable et Territoires Fragiles %X Dans le but de contribuer aux r¨¦flexions relatives ¨¤ l¡¯¨¦largissement de la notion de performance, nous entendons traiter la question de la performance d¡¯une fili¨¨re ¨¦conomique dans une perspective situ¨¦e, ¨¤ la fois dans l¡¯espace et dans le temps, en mettant en lumi¨¨re la vari¨¦t¨¦ des ¨¦l¨¦ments constitutifs de la performance d¡¯une part et l¡¯existence de tensions, voire de contradictions entre ces ¨¦l¨¦ments d¡¯autre part. D¨¨s lors, nous soutenons l¡¯id¨¦e d¡¯une diversit¨¦ de mod¨¨les de production performants et insistons sur la n¨¦cessit¨¦ d¡¯identifier des indicateurs adapt¨¦s ¨¤ cette diversit¨¦. Nous nous appuyons pour cela sur les outils conceptuels d¨¦velopp¨¦s dans le cadre de l¡¯¨¦conomie patrimoniale. Nous illustrons notre propos en nous appuyant sur le cas de la fili¨¨re ostr¨¦icole dans le Bassin d¡¯Arcachon. This article deals with the question of the performance of an industry, viewed in its relations with the space and with the time. The purpose, which contributes to the literature relating to the broadening of the performance, is to insist on the variety of constituent elements of the performance on the one hand and on the existence of contradictions between these elements on the other hand. Thus, we assume the diversity of performing production models and we stress the importance to define indicators which take into account this diversity. To this end, the tools developed within the framework of the heritage economy are used. We refer to the case study of oyster-farming industry in the Arcachon Bay (France) to illustrate these points. %K heritage %K performance %K articulation between market and non market dimensions %K productive practices %K oyster-farming. %K patrimoine %K performance %K hybridation des dimensions marchandes et non marchandes %K pratiques productives %K ostr¨¦iculture. %U http://developpementdurable.revues.org/9168