%0 Journal Article %T Scaffolder - software for manual genome scaffolding %A Michael D Barton %A Hazel A Barton %J Source Code for Biology and Medicine %D 2012 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1751-0473-7-4 %X The software outlined here, ˇ°Scaffolder,ˇ± is implemented in the Ruby programming language and can be installed via the RubyGems software management system. Genome scaffolds are defined using YAML - a data format which is both human and machine-readable. Command line binaries and extensive documentation are available.This software allows a genome build to be defined in terms of the constituent sequences using a relatively simple syntax. This syntax further allows unknown regions to be specified and additional sequence to be used to fill known gaps in the scaffold. Defining the genome construction in a file makes the scaffolding process reproducible and easier to edit compared with large FASTA nucleotide sequences.Scaffolder is easy-to-use genome scaffolding software which promotes reproducibility and continuous development in a genome project. Scaffolder can be found at http://next.gs webcite. %U http://www.scfbm.org/content/7/1/4/abstract