%0 Journal Article %T A Nova Revolu o Verde Africana: de que forma ela pode contribuir para erradicar a fome e a pobreza na ¨˘frica %A Tom¨˘s Adriano Sitoe %J Desenvolvimento em Quest£żo %D 2010 %I Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul %X From the literature review it is analyzed the tthe factors that affect agriculture development in Africa. The author argues that it is in the rural spaces where most of people live in Africa, and there is where poverty is much concentrated. Agriculture is the most important activity in rural spaces in Africa. That s why it has a great potential to lift a large number of individuals from poverty. Although that, this potential is affected by a number of factors such as the low agricultural productivity; the deterioration of trade terms and continue fall of price of traditional agricultural commodities in the international markets; and the lack of adequate investments for research and extension services, and in infrastructures (mainly for irrigation and roads). The new African Green Revolution can induce growth and equity through agriculture productivity increase. However for its success, this strategy should be accompanied by policies that increase land access, ensuring land tenure to farmers, particularly the small-scale farmers, and prioritise adequate natural resource management. African governments should increase investments in infrastructures, public services, including extension services, Research & Development and human capital development. Pace, social justice and good governance are also important elements for African government to ensure that agriculture contributes effectively for poverty eradication and hunger elimination in Africa. %U http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=75216923003