%0 Journal Article %T High Speed Continuous-Time Bandpass Ķē ADC for Mixed Signal VLSI Chips %A P.A.HarshaVardhini %A M.Madhavi Latha %J International Journal of VLSI Design & Communication Systems %D 2012 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X With the unremitting progress in VLSI technology, there is a commensurate increase in performance demand on analog to digital converter and are now being applied to wideband communication systems. sigma Delta (Ķē ) converter is a popular technique for obtaining high resolution with relatively small bandwidth. Ķē ADCs which trade sampling speed for resolution can benefit from the speed advantages of nm-CMOS technologies. This paper compares various Band pass sigma Delta ADC architectures, both continuous-time and discrete-time, in respect of power consumption and SNDR. Design of 2nd order multibit continuous time band pass Ķē modulator is discussed with the methods to resolve DAC non-idealities. %K CMOS %K Over sampling %K Noise shaping %K Sigma Delta Modulation %K Bandpass Ķē modulator %K Dynamic element matching %K Data weighted averaging. %U http://airccse.org/journal/vlsi/papers/3212vlsics06.pdf