%0 Journal Article %T A Transpersonal Feminist Approach to Family Systems %A Irene Sheiner Lazarus %J International Journal of Transpersonal Studies %D 2010 %I %X This paper presents a preliminary description of A Transpersonal Feminist Approach to Family Systems (ATFAFS) as taught at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (ITP) between 1995 and 2002. In this approach, students studied the principles of Murray BowenĄ¯s family systems theory with attention to feminist revisions of the theory while simultaneously investigating their own multigenerational family histories. Additionally, students kept a journal, recordedand worked with their dreams, and worked with a chosen creative expressive modality. They may also have worked with other transpersonal modalities. Student narratives, informed byorganic inquiry, illustrate aspects of the approach. The paper concludes with a detailed look at studentsĄ¯ perceived benefits and drawbacks of the approach. %K multigenerational family systems %K transpersonal %K feminist %K dreamwork %K journaling %K organic inquiry %K creative expression %U http://www.transpersonalstudies.org/ImagesRepository/ijts/Downloads/Lazarus.pdf