%0 Journal Article %T Impact of Multiple Intravenous Administrations of Ketoprofen on Blood Profile in Cow Calves %A Bharate Paresh1 %A Ratndeepsingh1 %A R. D. Varia2 %A J. H. Patel2* %A U. D. Patel3 %A S. K. Bhavsar2 and A. M. Thaker1 %J International Journal of Veterinary Science %D 2012 %I Nnamdi Azikiwe University %X Ketoprofen is an aryl propionic acid derivative, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) administered by intravenous and other parenteral routes in domestic animals. Side effects like gastrointestinal ulceration, hepatopathies, haematological alterations, photosensitivity and renal diseases, have been reported in domestic and laboratory animals following long term administration of ketoprofen. It was found that there is a lack of literature on the safety of ketoprofen in the target species like cattle. Therefore the present study was planned to evaluate the safety of ketoprofen following its multiple intravenous administration in cow calves. The present study was carried out on six healthy male cow calvesof6-12 months and weighing between 76 to 117 kilograms.Ketoprofen injections was administered at the dose rate of 3 mg/kgintravenously in calves and repeated at 24 hours interval for 5 days. Blood samples were withdrawn from jugular vein into sterile heparinized (2 ml) and non-heparinized (5 ml) test tubes at 0 day (before drug administration) and on 1st (24 h), 2nd (48 h), 3th (72 h), 4th (96 h) and 5th day (120 h) for haematological [Hb, PCV, TLC and DLC] and serum biochemical [SAP, ACP, AST, ALT, LDH, Total bilirubin, Serum creatinine, BUN, Serum total protein and Serum albumin] analysis. The mean values of all haematological and blood biochemical parameters in treated animal do not differ significantly (P<0.05) when compared to control samples. It is concluded that administration of ketoprofenby intravenous route continuously for 5 days in calves was found safe. %K Ketoprofen %K Haematological %K Biochemical Parameters %K Cow calves %U http://www.ijvets.com/wp-content/uploads/pdf-files/Volume-1-Issue-1-2012/34-36.pdf