%0 Journal Article %T DETERMINANTS OF BANKSĄŻ COMPETITIVENESS IN LOCAL FINANCIAL MARKETS %A Ryszard Kata %J e-Finanse %D 2012 %I Wy?sza Szko?a Informatyki i Zarz?dzania %X The article presents the analysis of determinants of banksĄŻ competitiveness in local financial markets, with respect to local (cooperative) banks and branches of large commercial banks. The paper also evaluates the competitive position of the banks using the synthetic measure of competitive advantage MPK. The article proves that tere are considerable differences between the analyzed groups of banks, in terms of their competitiveness and its determining factors (which are banksĄŻ assets). The paper also indicates the areas in which particular banks shouldmake changes in their resources and operational strategies in order to improve their competitiveness in local financial markets. %K banks %K local financial market %K competitiveness %U http://e-finanse.com/artykuly/204.pdf