%0 Journal Article %T On-line Shopping on B2C Markets in the Czech Republic %A Pil¨ªk Michal %J Journal of Competitiveness %D 2012 %I Tomas Bata University, Zl¨ªn %X The paper deals with the e-commerce theory and is aimed primarily at its usage in business-toconsumer markets. On-line purchasing management is increasing not only in the Czech Republic but also in Europe and all over the world. The customers who think rationally use on-line shopping because of money saving, speed delivery and the possibility of product comparison. This paper presents the results of a project financed by the Czech Science Foundation P403/11/ P175: The factors influencing customers¡¯ on-line behaviour in e-commerce environment on B2C and B2B markets in the Czech Republic. 89 % of respondents use e-shops for buying products in the Czech Republic. 32 % of them use the Internet for regular purchases and 57 % of them irregularly. 11 % of respondents have not used e-shops yet. %K Marketing %K E-Commerce %K Business-to-Consumer Market %K On-line Shopping %K Consumer Buying Behaviour %U http://www.cjournal.cz/files/115.pdf