%0 Journal Article %T A View on a Successful International Educational Project in Software Engineering %A Zoran Budimac %A Zoran Putnik %A Mirjana Ivanovi£¿ %A Klaus Bothe %J e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal %D 2012 %I Wroclaw University of Technology %X In this paper, a successful and fruitful joint project will be presented. The project joins participants from 9 countries and from 15 universities. Since it started in 2001, this project entitled ¡°Software Engineering: Computer Science Education and Research Cooperation¡± helped participants to gain excellent, up to date educational material, apply modern teaching methods, exchange experiences with other participants, and work jointly on the further development of lectures, case-studies, assignments, examination questions, and other necessary elements of a course. Project works under auspices of Stability Pact of South-Eastern Europe, and is supported by DAAD. The project started with the creation of a common beginning course in ¡°Software Engineering¡±, but over time it grew and the number of other courses was developed. Finished almost completely are the courses in ¡°Object-oriented programming¡±, ¡°Software Project Management¡±, ¡°Advanced Compiler Construction¡±, and ¡°Data Structures and Algorithms¡±, and some other courses are under development. Aside from the educational collaboration, project members also developed good scientific cooperation, and published several research papers. %U http://www.e-informatyka.pl/attach/e-Informatica_-_Volume_6/eInformatica2012Art4.pdf