%0 Journal Article %T FARMACOVIGILANCIA DE INTERACCIONES MEDICAMENTOSAS EN PACIENTES AFILIADOS AL SISTEMA DE SALUD DE COLOMBIA %A Jorge E. Machado Alba %A Claudia Giraldo Giraldo %J Investigaciones Andina %D 2011 %I Fundaci¨Žn Universitaria del ?rea Andina %X Objectives: to determine the possible medication interactions that generate problems related to safety medications, needs or effectiveness, throughout the active search in data bases of patients affiliated to the General Health System of Social Security.Methods: based on the data base from Audifarma S.A. in regards to the distribution of medications to 3.7 million of users in the country, a systematic review of the statistics of a series of drugs identified for presenting interactions.Results: out of the total of patients that were taking omeprazol, it was found that 12.3% at the same time received magnesium hydroxide plus aluminum; 1.7% received ranitidine; 1.0% sucralfate, and also 0.3% were at the same time taking omeprazol + sucralfate+magnesium hydroxide and aluminum and 0.4% omeprazol + ranitidine+magnesium hydroxide and aluminum, which do not maximize the anti ulcerous effect or may antagonize its actions. It was also found that 0.2% of the patients was taking verapamil and at the same time received digoxin or methyl digoxin with the risk of increasing the toxicity and antagonizing its inotropic effect. All these cases were notified to those responsible for their sanitary attention.Discussion: medication interactions represent a potential risk, which has to be considered by the prescribing doctors. Drug surveillance allows the optimization of resources and the prevention of adverse events which may potentially cause mortality or be lethal. It is recommended that data bases be searched in order to reinforce the surveillance programs in relation to the use of medicines in the country. %K Omeprazol %K Ranitidin %K Verapamil %K Magnesium Hydroxide %K Digoxin %K Adverse Reaction to Medicines %K Drug Epidemiology %K Colombia (Source: DeCS) %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0124-81462011000100005&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=es