%0 Journal Article %T BOOK REVIEW - Christien van den Anker, Ilse van Liempt (Eds.), Human rights and migration - trafficking for forced labour, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 264 pages, ISBN 978-0-230-27913-1 %A BOOK REVIEW Christien van den Anker %A Ilse van Liempt (Eds.) %A Human rights and migration - trafficking for forced labour %A Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan %A 2012 %A 264 pages %A ISBN 978-0-230-27913-1 %J Eastern Journal of European Studies %D 2012 %I Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi %X In the increasingly connected world we are living, the debate on human rights and migration issues has gathered momentum. For the ones with a genuine interest in this debate, Christien van den Anker is an active contributor to the current theoretical discussions. With a broad experience in her field she has published extensively on global justice and human rights. Her research focusing mainly on contemporary slavery, trafficking for forced labour and migrant rights has been doubled by an active engagement in the Bristol local community (UK) where she has successfully been involved in the establishment of several centres which deal with refugees and migrants. The present volume edited together with Ilse van Liempt brings together a valuable academic input from European and US scholars with a wide range of backgrounds. %K BOOK REVIEW %K Human rights and migration - trafficking for forced labour %U http://ejes.uaic.ro/articles/EJES2012_0302_MOG.pdf