%0 Journal Article %T An¨¢lise dos personagens no roteiro do Filme Titanic (1997) - paralelo do real com a fic o %A Karina Pereira Ferreira %J ECCOM %D 2012 %I Faculdades Integradas Teresa D'?vila, (Fatea) %X The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the actions of real characters of the tragedy of the Titanic had changed their stories to fit the proposal of the screenplay director James Cameron, and how the fictional characters drove the plot completely and ideal for the success of screenplay. Cameron made changes in history that made the difference between the Titanic to be just another movie about the tragedy, to become the biggest movie of recent times, with a captivating story that holds people's attention today. %K Characters %K Scriptwriting %K Film %K Titanic. %U http://publicacoes.fatea.br/index.php/eccom/article/view/544/379