%0 Journal Article %T Education and social inequalities in the urban space: A French example %A Marco Alberio %J Interventions ¨¦conomiques %D 2012 %I Association d'Economie Politique %X Cet article traite de la relation entre l'¨¦ducation et les in¨¦galit¨¦s au niveau local. Nous allons observer comment l'¨¦ducation, ¨¤ c t¨¦ de son r le fondamental pour la mobilit¨¦ sociale, peut aussi ¨ºtre un ¨¦l¨¦ment d¨¦cisif pour la reproduction sociale.Notre point de d¨¦part est que les modes de reproduction sociale ont chang¨¦ au cours des ann¨¦es et pour cette raison, diff¨¦remment que dans le pass¨¦, les m¨¦canismes impliqu¨¦s sont moins clairs et ¨¦vidents. Dans cette perspective, l'objectif principal et le d¨¦fi de cet article est de d¨¦crire, ¨¤ travers une approche qualitative, certains des m¨¦canismes de reproduction sociale des in¨¦galit¨¦s, qui se d¨¦roulent ¨¤ travers l'¨¦ducation en France au niveau local. This article deals with the relationship between education and inequalities at the local level. We will observe how education, next to its role in social mobility, can also be a decisive element of social reproduction.Our starting point is that the modes of social reproduction have changed during the years and for this reason, compared to the past, some of the mechanisms involved are less clear and evident. In this perspective, the main objective and challenge of this article is to outline, through a qualitative approach, some of the mechanisms of social reproduction of inequalities, taking place through education in France at the local level. %K education %K inequalities %K carte scolaire %K social reproduction %K neighborhood %K ¨¦ducation %K in¨¦galit¨¦s %K carte scolaire %K reproduction sociale %K quartier %U http://interventionseconomiques.revues.org/1547