%0 Journal Article %T The Rescheduling Problems with Linear Relationship for Sequence Disruption and Time Disruption %A LU Ning-dan %A XU Xiao-yan %A HAO Yun %A MU Yun-dong %J Journal of Chongqing Normal University %D 2013 %I Chongqing Normal University %X In this paper£¬we consider the rescheduling problems which sequence disruption and time disruption is a linear relationship£¬that is maximum sequence disruption and maximum time disruption£¬maximum sequence disruption and total time disruption£¬total sequence disruption and maximum time disruption£¬total sequence disruption and total time disruption£¬the objective is to minimize the total completion time.Rescheduling problem is a set of original jobs that have been scheduled on a single machine according to some orders.There is another set of new jobs that arrive over time.Preemption is not permitted£¬so that no interruption in the processing of a job is allowed.The goal is to find a schedule of original jobs set and new jobs set that minimize some objective subject to some disruption constraints.According to classical scheduling theory£¬we show that shortest processing time first rule is to minimize objective functions£¬and design some algorithms by dynamic programming£¬given examples and time complexity of algorithms. %K rescheduling£»disruption£»malposition£»linear relationship£»the total completion time %U http://journal.cqnu.edu.cn/1301/pdf/130106.pdf