%0 Journal Article %T An Unconditionally Secure Authentication Code For Multi-Source Network Coding %A Hong Yang %A Mingxi Yang %J International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies %D 2012 %I MECS Publisher %R doi: 10.5815/ijwmt.2012.01.07 %X In network system, network coding allows intermediate nodes to encode the received messages beforeforwarding them, thus network coding is vulnerable to pollution attacks. Besides, the attacks are amplified bythe network coding process with the result that the whole network maybe pollutes. In this paper, we proposed anovel unconditionally secure authentication code for multi-source network coding, which is robust againstpollution attacks. For the authentication scheme based on theoretic strength, it is robust against those attackersthat have unlimited computational resources, and the intermediate nodes therein can verify the integrity andorigin of the encoded messages received without having to decode them, and the receiver nodes can check themout and discard the messages that fail the verification. By this way, the pollution is canceled out beforereaching the destinations. %K Secure network coding %K multi-source %K pollution attack %K authentication code %U http://www.mecs-press.org/ijwmt/ijwmt-v2-n1/v2n1-7.html