%0 Journal Article %T Microposts Ontology Construction Via Concept Extraction %A Beenu Yadav %J International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology %D 2012 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X The social networking website Facebook offers to its users a feature called ¡°status updates¡± (or just ¡°status¡±), which allows users to create Microposts directed to all their contacts, or a subset thereof. Readers can respond to Microposts, or in addition to that also click a ¡°Like¡± button to show their appreciation for a certain Micropost. Adding semantic meaning in the sense of unambiguous intended ideas to such Microposts. We can make a start towards semantic web by adding semantic annotation to web resources. Ontology are used to specify meaning of annotations. Ontology provide a vocabulary for representing and communicating knowledge about some topic and a set of semantic relationships that hold among the terms in that vocabulary. For increasing the efficiency of ontology based application there is a need to develop a mechanism that reduces the manual work in developing ontology. In this paper, we proposed Microposts¡¯ ontology construction. In this paper we present a method that extracts meaningfulknowledge from microposts shared in social platforms. This process involves different steps for the analysis of such microposts (extraction of keywords, named entities and their matching to ontological concepts). %K Microposts %K Lexicon %K Sysnset %K Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) %K Statistically Indexed Table %K Ontology %K Concept Extraction %K Syntatic Parsing. %U http://airccse.org/journal/ijwest/papers/3312ijwest07.pdf