%0 Journal Article %T LINKED DATA GENERATION FOR THE UNIVERSITY DATA FROM LEGACY DATABASE %A Arup Sarkar %A Ujjal Marjit %A Utpal Biswas %J International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology %D 2011 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X Web was developed to share information among the users through internet as some hyperlinked documents.If someone wants to collect some data from the web he has to search and crawl through the documents tofulfil his needs. Concept of Linked Data creates a breakthrough at this stage by enabling the links within data. So, besides the web of connected documents a new web developed both for humans and machines, i.e., the web of connected data, simply known as Linked Data Web. Since it is a very new domain, still a very few works has been done, specially the publication of legacy data within a University domain as LinkedData. In this paper our approach concentrates on publishing the data from our University¡¯s databases as linked Data on the web and also ensuring the trustworthiness of the data by addition of provenance data alongwith. For this purpose we have introduced a framework to make all the steps towards the Linked Data publication easy for legacy databases within a university domain. %K D2R Map %K Linked Data %K RDF %K Semantic Web & SPARQL %U http://airccse.org/journal/ijwest/papers/2311ijwest02.pdf