%0 Journal Article %T Study on treatment performance of low cost membrane based septic tank at various fluxes %A Bui Xuan Thanh %A Nguyen Phuoc Dan %J International Journal of Waste Resources %D 2013 %I University of Diponegoro %R 10.12777/ijwr.v3i1.37 %X The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and fouling behavior of membrane based septic tank (MBST).Woven Fiber Microfiltration (WFMF) introduced in the chamber of a septic tank as a submerged membrane for domestic wastewater treatment. Concentrations of black water stored in the third chamber were 125 ¡À 15 mg/L COD, 124 ¡À 28 mg/L SS and 59 ¡À 9 mg/L TKN. Results showed that COD removal was 54-78 % of which effluent achieved less than 50 mg/L. In addition, the withdrawal was mostly non-performed suspended solids. TMP level increased gradually, indicated low membrane fouling rate (dTMP/dt) of 0.4-1.0 kPa/day at flux as low as 2.5 LMH. While at the flux greater than 3.4 LMH the fouling rate increased rapidly with the fouling rate of 13 kPa/day. doi: 10.12777/ijwr.3.1.1-4 [ How to cite this article: Thanh, B. X., & Dan, N. P. (2013). Study on treatment performance of low cost membrane based septic tank at various fluxes. International Journal of Waste Resources (IJWR), 3(1), 1-4. doi: 10.12777/ijwr.3.1.1-4 ] Cited by %K membrane based septic tank %K domestic wastewater %K fouling %K septic tank (ST) %K Woven Fiber Microfiltration (WFMF) %U http://www.ijwr.co/index.php/ijwr/article/view/37