%0 Journal Article %T A Robust Autofocusing Approach for Estimating Directions-ofArrival of Wideband Signals %A GONG Bing %A XU Yi-tao %A LI Jia %A LIU Zhong-jun %J International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies %D 2012 %I MECS Publisher %R 10.5815/ijwmt.2012. 04.05 %X In this paper, we introduce a robust method for wideband DOA estimation which does not require any preliminary DOA estimation or calibration of the array during the whole estimating process with the performance similar to the autofocusing approach. Our method is based on the autofocusing approach and uses the ESPRIT algorithm during the narrowband processing stage. Meanwhile, we suggest the method of selecting the best focusing frequency which minimizes the mean square error %K direction-of-arrival(DOA) %K wideband sources %K focusing matrix %K MUSIC %K ESPRIT %U http://www.mecs-press.org/ijwmt/ijwmt-v2-n4/v2n4-5.html