%0 Journal Article %T Hi¨¦rarchies %A Pierre COTTE %J E-rea : Revue ¨¦lectronique d¡¯¨¦tudes sur le Monde Anglophone %D 2012 %I %R 10.4000/erea.2652 %X Dans cet article, la hi¨¦rarchie est d¨¦finie comme une relation entre une t¨ºte et une d¨¦pendance. Travaillant sur l¡¯incipit du roman Sanctuary de William Faulkner, l¡¯article analyse diff¨¦rentes hi¨¦rarchies s¨¦mantiques pouvant figurer dans une phrase, leur rapport ¨¤ la syntaxe et leurs relations. Il s¡¯int¨¦resse aussi ¨¤ la question de l¡¯interpr¨¦tation. In this paper a hierarchy is defined as a relation between a head and a dependency. The paper studies some of the semantic hierarchies that occur in sentences, focussing on their syntactic realization and interactions. It is also concerned with the relation between sentence meaning and interpretation.The study is based on the analysis of the opening sentence of Sanctuary by William Faulkner. %K Syntax %K Subordination %K Head and Dependency %K Noun Phrase %K Preposition %K Verb %K Subject %K Motivation %K Syntactic Ambiguity %K Semantic Indeterminacy %K Perspective %K Interpretation %K syntaxe %K subordination %K t¨ºtes et d¨¦pendances %K sujet %K verbe %K pr¨¦position %K syntagme nominal %K motivation %K ambigu t¨¦ syntaxique %K ind¨¦termination s¨¦mantique %K point de vue %K interpr¨¦tation %U http://erea.revues.org/2652