%0 Journal Article %T Roots Always Precede Routes: On the Road, through a Glass Darkly %A Peggy PACINI %J E-rea : Revue ¨¦lectronique d¡¯¨¦tudes sur le Monde Anglophone %D 2011 %I %R 10.4000/erea.1629 %X Cet article explore les strates souterraines de On the Road, d¡¯une part, en adoptant trois angles d¡¯approche (le rapport dialogique errance-enracinement, l¡¯ethnogen¨¨se et la g¨¦ographie culturelle), et d¡¯autre part, en int¨¦grant le roman dans un projet plus vaste, le projet Route qui permet une lecture de la gen¨¨se du roman publi¨¦ en 1957 et de sa version originale, le Rouleau, publi¨¦e cinquante ans plus tard. Cet article analyse les rapports entre espace, identit¨¦, errance et nation, et tente de proposer une lecture de la pr¨¦sence invisible de l¡¯ethnicit¨¦ franco-am¨¦ricaine de l¡¯auteur comme fils conducteur des proto-versions de On the Road et des th¨¨mes abord¨¦s (l¡¯errance, la cartographie de l¡¯espace et la qu¨ºte du p¨¨re et de la patrie perdus). This article explores the subterranean layers of On the Road, firstly, approaching them from three perspectives (the dyad routes-roots, ethnogenesis and cultural geography), and secondly, considering the novel within a larger project, the ¡°Road¡± project, which allows further insight into the genesis of the 1957 edition and of the original scroll published fifty years later. This article focuses on the relationship between space, identity, travel and nation, and attempts to offer a reading of the author¡¯s French-Canadian and Franco-American invisible ethnicity as a guiding line to the On the Road proto-versions and to the themes developed (travel, mapping the land and the quest for the father[land]). %K routes %K roots %K uprootedness %K homelessness %K identity %K exile %K ethnogenesis %K America %K French America %K cultural geography %K quest %K father(-land) %K On the Road %K Pic %K On the Road the Scroll %K On the Road proto-versions %K ¨¦tats-Unis %K nomadisme %K enracinement %K d¨¦racinement %K identit¨¦ %K exil %K ethnogen¨¨se %K Am¨¦rique fran aise %K g¨¦ographie culturelle %K qu¨ºte %K p¨¨re %K patrie %K On the Road %K Pic %K On the Road the Scroll %K proto-versions de On the Road %U http://erea.revues.org/1629