%0 Journal Article %T La r¨¦ponse s¨¦curitaire de l¡¯administration Bush : l¡¯USA PATRIOT Act et les libert¨¦s individuelles %A Alice GAIRARD-BERNARD %J E-rea : Revue ¨¦lectronique d¡¯¨¦tudes sur le Monde Anglophone %D 2011 %I %R 10.4000/erea.1956 %X L¡¯USA PATRIOT Act introduit une r¨¦forme renfor ant les pouvoirs de surveillance des services secrets au d¨¦triment des libert¨¦s individuelles en r¨¦duisant notamment les possibilit¨¦s de contr le que le Congr¨¨s et le pouvoir judiciaire peuvent exercer. Adopt¨¦e dans un contexte in¨¦dit, cette loi g¨¦n¨¨re controverse et confusion ; elle n¡¯est pourtant pas la premi¨¨re ¨¤ assouplir la l¨¦gislation sur la surveillance ou ¨¤ imposer des restrictions aux libert¨¦s individuelles. Avant de porter le d¨¦bat sur le terrain institutionnel et de voir de quelle mani¨¨re l¡¯¨¦quilibre entre les pouvoirs s¡¯est op¨¦r¨¦, le premier niveau d¡¯¨¦tude porte sur la d¨¦fense des libert¨¦s individuelles. Initiatives parlementaires sans grand succ¨¨s, d¨¦cisions de justice symboliques mais de port¨¦e mod¨¦r¨¦e, la r¨¦sistance ¨¤ l¡¯USA PATRIOT Act passe ¨¦galement par l¡¯action de groupes de pression et de communaut¨¦s locales. One of the key actions taken by the Bush administration was to push for the adoption of the USA PATRIOT Actin order to address the needs of a country following an unprecedented terrorist attack. While most aspects of the legislation are not controversial, a few sections giving the government greater surveillance powers raise civil liberties issues. Of interest is the reaction to this impaired mechanism of checks and balances ¨C bi-partisan initiatives to restore checks and balances stemming from a few congressmen, lawsuits challenging the controversial parts of the law, several public interest groups, notably the ACLU, calling for adequate judiciary oversight, greater accountability of agencies involved in surveillance programs and restored protection for civil rights, and grassroots movements leading towns, cities and later counties and states to adopt resolutions rejecting the USA PATRIOT Act. %K USA PATRIOT Act %K civil liberties %K checks and balances %K political opposition %K public interest groups %K r¨¦ponse s¨¦curitaire %K USA PATRIOT Act %K exercice des libert¨¦s individuelles %K d¨¦fense des libert¨¦s %K r le des institutions %K initiatives non institutionnelles %U http://erea.revues.org/1956