%0 Journal Article %T Possibilities of Electrical Networks Insulation Diagnose by Non-Symmetrical Situations Analysis %A Liliana Marilena Matica %J Journal of Computer Science and Control Systems %D 2009 %I Editura Universit??ii din Oradea %X The damage of the electrical networks insulation is manifested thru low currents. The symmetric components values are influenced by those currents, mostly zero sequence symmetric components. The effects can be characterized by the values of symmetric components active power. This paper contains a study that shows the link between the state of electrical networks insulation and symmetric component values, in non-symmetrical situation. Further evolution ofthose values is important. %K positive %K negative and zero symmetric components of active power %K non-symmetrical power %K fluctuation power %U http://electroinf.uoradea.ro/reviste%20CSCS/documente/JCSCS_2009/Articole_pdf_JCSCS_A_nr_1/JCSCS_2009_Nr_1_AA_Matica_Possibilities.pdf