%0 Journal Article %T A Rapid Method for the Synthesis of Highly Ordered MCM-41 %A Mohammad Teymouri %A Abdolraouf Samadi-Maybodi %A Amir Vahid %J International Nano Letters %D 2011 %I %X In the present work MCM-41 material was synthesized by a rapid method. The calcined material was characterized using XRD, scanning electron microscopy and nitrogen physisorption. The XRD pattern of calcined sample shows five well-defined peaks that indicates highly ordered MCM-41 material was synthesized. The SEM image reveals that the sample particles are in nanometer range. The isotherm of Nitrogen demonstrates a nearly reversible behavior which implies highly ordered MCM-41 material was synthesized by this method. The BET specific surface area of the sample is about 910 m3g-1. This method is also rapid and simple and results in high quality MCM-41 material. %K MCM-41 %K Nanometer %K Synthesis %K Highly ordered %K Rapid %U http://inljournal.com/?_action=showPDF&article=7&_ob=245988f2573d5474b0850f596400f546&fileName=full_text.pdf