%0 Journal Article %T Conjugate loops: an introduction %A A. Batool %A A. Shaheen %A A. Ali %J International Mathematical Forum %D 2013 %I %X In general conjugate of an element does not have any sense in loops. Weintroduce a new class of loops that possess conjugates of their elements. We call such loops conjugate loops. Conjugate loops are loops in which the identity $x(yx^{-1})=(xy)x^{-1}$ holds. We prove that such loops satisfy begin{inparaenum}[(1)] item An IP loop is conjugate $iff$ it is flexible, item Conjugacy is not an equivalence relation in conjugate loops. We also prove several other related results for conjugate loops end{inparaenum} %K conjugate loop %K flexible IP loop %K conjugate IP loop %U http://www.m-hikari.com/imf/imf-2013/5-8-2013/aliIMF5-8-2013.pdf