%0 Journal Article %T ˇ°Eludeˇ± ¨C the making of an impossible game %A Doris C. Rusch %J E-Beratungsjournal %D 2011 %I e-beratungsjournal %X Right after the Games for Health Conference in 2009, Doris C. Rusch and Attila Ceranoglu decided to work on a game about depression: A game that actually intends to make the feelings of depression itself experientially tangible to players. They decided to use the internet and virtual reality to reach the digital natives easily, and to raise awareness of the difficulties and problems of depression amongst young people (and therefore become more willing to either seek help for themselves or others). But how to create such a game about depression? How to create a game that would be no fun? Rusch and Ceranoglu found the answers and now Eludeˇ° is done! %K Online-Counselling %K Games %K Elude %U http://www.e-beratungsjournal.net/ausgabe_0111/rusch.pdf