%0 Journal Article %T Functional variability as efficiency factor in handball throwing to the goal VARIABILIDAD FUNCIONAL COMO FACTOR DE EFICIENCIA EN LOS LANZAMIENTOS A PORTER赤A EN BALONMANO [Functional variability as efficiency factor in handball throwing to the goal] %A Marcos Guti谷rrez-D芍vila %A Javier Rojas %A Manuel Ortega-Becerra %A Juan P芍rraga %J E-balonmano.com : Revista de Ciencias del Deporte %D 2012 %I Federaci車n Extreme?a de Balonmano %X The purpose of this study was to compare and to gauge players* intra-individual variability in the movement pattern of four throwing directions, which are the corners of the goal, in the presence of the goalkeeper in handball. Twelve right handed players from the Spanish first division participated as subjects of whom five were experienced field players and seven were experienced goalkeepers. The throws were filmed by two video cameras synchronized temporally at 500 Hz, allowing us to obtain the spatial coordinates of a model composed of five markers body are the geometric center of the ball. We used a statistical model based on cluster analysis, and a factorial ANOVA of the temporal data recorded to analyze the differences among the throws. The results show that specialist distance throwers achieve greater variability in their movement pattern, regardless of the changes in the different throwing directions. Non-specialist throwers offer more and earlier direction indicators, before the release of the ball, to goalkeepers than distance throwers. The wrist and the ball were the most sensitive direction indicators of the throws. The transverse axis (y) offered greater amplitude of movement in this axis when the throw is made to the left side of the thrower. Keys words: Kinematics, Handball, cluster analysis, kinetic chains El prop車sito de este estudio ha sido evaluar y comparar la variabilidad intraindividual del patr車n de movimiento del lanzamiento a porter赤a en funci車n de cuatro direcciones de lanzamiento y en presencia del portero. Han participado doce jugadores de la primera divisi車n espa ola de balonmano, de los cuales, cinco eran jugadores de campo experimentados y siete eran porteros con experiencia. Los lanzamientos fueron filmados con dos c芍maras sincronizadas temporalmente a 500 Hz, lo que nos permiti車 obtener las coordenadas espaciales de un modelo compuesto por cinco marcadores corporales m芍s el centro geom谷trico del bal車n. Se ha utilizado un modelo estad赤stico basado en el an芍lisis de conglomerados -cluster analysis- y un an芍lisis de varianza factorial sobre los datos temporales de cada conjunto de datos. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que los jugadores especialistas en lanzamientos exteriores obtienen una mayor variabilidad en su patr車n de movimiento, sin que se hayan podido asociar los cambios a las diferentes direcciones de lanzamiento. Los marcadores m芍s distales (mu eca y bal車n), han sido los que se han mostrado m芍s sensibles a ofrecer indicadores de direcci車n. Palabras clave: Cinem芍tica, Balonmano, An芍lisis de bloques, Cadenas %K Cinem芍tica %K Balonmano %K An芍lisis de bloques %K Cadenas cin谷ticas %U http://www.e-balonmano.com/ojs/index.php/revista/article/view/105