%0 Journal Article %T Online-Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus. Wo P dagogik und Psychologie sich treffen %A Martin Ziegenhagen %A Kirsten Thiemann %J E-Beratungsjournal %D 2012 %I e-beratungsjournal %X In the following we explain function, theoretical background and methodical background of the online advice against right-wing extremism in the advisable brevity, hoping this will be suitable to show that online advice can be a proved means against right-wing extremism. An important factor for the success of the project is, that education and psychologie are complementary and not inconsistent with each other. %K Online-Counseling %K extremism of the right wing %K systemic-solutionoriented counseling %K pedagogical approach %K parents of adolescents of the right wing %K prevention of extremism %U http://www.e-beratungsjournal.net/ausgabe_0212/ziegenhagen_thiemann.pdf