%0 Journal Article %T Kad nlar n g¨¹c¨¹ne Kat l m n n Belirleyicileri: Ekonometrik bir Analiz = The Determinants of Female Participation to the Labour Force: an Econometric Analysis %A £¿zlem Ayvaz KIZILG£¿L %J Dogus University Journal %D 2012 %I Dogus University %X The goal of this study is to determine the reasons of why the single and married women living in Turkey, in urban and rural areas do participate the labour force through the 2002-2008 period. In other words, this study aims to search the reasons affecting the women¡¯s decision of working. To this end, the study is conducted via a pooled data set merged by putting together the data gathered from Household Budget Surveys of the years 2002-2008. Logit model analysis is conducted for application. The results of the analysis illustrated that, education level, household income, dependency ratio, ownership of the property and women¡¯s age are the most important factors as to the women¡¯s decision of participating to labour force regarding the married and single women. Furthermore, the number of children reduces the labour force participation in urban areas while increases in rural areas. %K Kad n g¨¹c¨¹ %K Birle tirilmi Veri Analizi %K Logit model %K Female Labour Force %K Pooled Data Analysis %K Logit model %U http://journal.dogus.edu.tr/index.php/duj/article/view/281