%0 Journal Article %T The Long and Short Run Effects between Unemployment and Economic Growth In Europe = Avrupa¡¯da sizlik ve ktisadi B¨¹y¨¹me Aras nda Uzun ve K sa D nemli Etkiler %A Ferda Yerdelen TATO£¿LU %J Dogus University Journal %D 2011 %I Dogus University %X In this paper, the movement of unemployment rate and the long and short term relationships between unemployment rate and economic growth rate are examined for individuals and pooled cases in European countries over the period 1977-2008. Several panel techniques are used for non-stationary panels and thereby some evidence are found for unemployment hysteresis in all European Countries. The Okun¡¯s coefficients are also estimated. The results show that the validity of Okun¡¯s Law and the significance of the relationship between economic growth rate and unemployment rate vary between countries. %K Hysteresis %K Okun¡¯s Law %K Panel Unit Root %K Panel Cointegration %K Panel Error Correction Model %K Histeri %K Okun Kanunu %K Panel Birim K k %K Panel Koentegrasyon %K Panel Hata D¨¹zeltme Modeli %U http://journal.dogus.edu.tr/index.php/duj/article/view/10