%0 Journal Article %T Test Software Functionality, but Test its Performance as Well %A Jovica £¿urkovi£¿ %A Jelica Trnini£¿ %A Vuk Vukovi£¿ %J International Scientific Journal of Management Information Systems %D 2011 %I University of Novi Sad %X Software product testing has great importance in the detection of errors appearing in the course of software development and reflecting directly on software quality enhancement before its implementation in the working environment. Special priority in the software product testing phase is given to testing software performance. In contrast to functional testing, which should show if software is capable of carrying out planned functions without making errors, performance testing should show if the software will realize planned tasks in accordance with previously defined and expectedperformance. Software performance testing tools are used for simulating conditions under which software will work.In this article, the authors point to the importance of the testing phases in the software product development process and give a review of up-to-date testing techniques. The focus of the article is placed on software performance testing and overview of performance testing tools. %K software testing %K software performance testing %K performance testing tools %U http://www.ef.uns.ac.rs/mis/archive-pdf/2011%20-%20No2/01_Djurkovic.pdf