%0 Journal Article %T Chain-computerisation and privacy Keteninformatisering en privacy %A M. van der Veen %J Journal of Chain-Computerisation %D 2012 %I Utrecht University Library Open Access Journals %X This article is only available in Dutch 1. Chain-computerisation strengthens the protection of privacy. This is one of the social benefits of practicing the theory; 2. Chain-computerisation contributes to privacy by design, since privacy is a fundamental part from the early design of the information-architecture up to and including the actual processing of data; 3. Chain-computerisation limits undesired exchange of information and interweaving of chains of information using data collection limitation and barriers between chains. This is done using number systems, reference indexes and verification systems; 4. On the base level of a chain the positive outcomes coming from using chain-computerisation are under pressure. Possible negative effects should be mitigated. Dit artikel is alleen beschikbaar in het Nederlands 1. Keteninformatisering draagt bij aan de bescherming van privacy. Het is ¨¦¨¦n van de maatschappelijke effecten van toepassing van het leerstuk; 2. Keteninformatisering draagt bij aan 'privacy by design'1, doordat privacy onderdeel is van het ontwerp van een informatie-infrastructuur voor de verwerking van persoonsgegevens; 3. Keteninformatisering belemmert ongewenste informatie-uitwisseling en ketenvervlechting door dataminimalisatie en waterscheidingen tussen ketens met nummerstelsels, verwijsindexen en verificatieregisters; 4. De positieve effecten van Keteninformatisering staan vooral op het grondvlak onder druk. This article is only available in Dutch Chain-computerisation and privacy 1. Chain-computerisation strengthens the protection of privacy. This is one of the social benefits of practicing the theory; 2. Chain-computerisation contributes to privacy by design, since privacy is a fundamental part from the early design of the information-architecture up to and including the actual processing of data; 3. Chain-computerisation limits undesired exchange of information and interweaving of chains of information using data collection limitation and barriers between chains. This is done using number systems, reference indexes and verification systems; 4. On the base level of a chain the positive outcomes coming from using chain-computerisation are under pressure. Possible negative effects should be mitigated. %K privacy %K privacy by design %K collection limitation %K use limitation %K remarks %K chain-computerisation %U http://jcc.library.uu.nl/index.php/JCC/article/view/39