%0 Journal Article %T Perspectivas da an¨˘lise narrativa no cinema: por uma abordagem da narrativa no filme document¨˘rio %A Sandra Straccialano Coelho %J Doc On-Line : Revista Digital de Cinema Document¨˘rio %D 2011 %I Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal (UBI) & Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brasil (UNICAMP) %X Documentaries are made and consumed by narrative conventions, butthe narrative specificities of this genre are still little discussed. This article arises, therefore, the prospect of discussing a fruitful basis for a narrative approach of documentaries by reviewing major studies devoted to film narratives. %K cinema %K documentary %K film narrative. %U http://www.doc.ubi.pt/11/dossier_sandra_coelho.pdf