%0 Journal Article %T Novel Sorting Algorithm %A R.Srinivas %A A.Raga Deepthi %J International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering %D 2013 %I Engg Journals Publications %X Sorting has become a stand in need of prosaic life activities. Sorting in computer science alluded to as ordering deals with arranging elements of a list or a set of records of a file in ascending or descending order. We have gone through a number of sorting algorithms like bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, shell sort, merge sort and bucket etc. Each algorithm has intrinsic odds and restrictions. We cannot say that a particular algorithm is the best algorithm, because algorithm may be easy to implement but it may take maximum time to execute, where as the other algorithm may be hard to implement but it may save execution time. The time complexity of sorting algorithms is, maximum in the range O(n) to O(n2). Most of the algorithms have O(n2) as worst case time complexity and for fewalgorithms have O(n) as the best case time complexity. Some algorithms have O(nlogn) as the time complexity in best and or average and or worst cases. We are proposing novel sorting algorithm which has time complexity O(n) in the best case and O(n2)in the worst case. %K Time Complexity %K Sorting %K Best case %K Worst case. %U http://www.enggjournals.com/ijcse/doc/IJCSE13-05-01-048.pdf