%0 Journal Article %T Normative data for the letter-cancellation task in school children %A Pradhan Balaram %A Nagendra H %J International Journal of Yoga %D 2008 %I Medknow Publications %X Aims: To establish the norms for the letter-cancellation task-a psychomotor performance task. Materials and Methods: Eight hundred nineteen school students were selected in the present study in an age range between nine and 16 years ( M = 12.14; SD = 1.78 years). Subjects were assessed once for the cancellation task. Results: Both age and sex influenced performance on the SLCT; therefore, correction scores were obtained on the basis of these factors. Conclusions: The availability of Indian normative data for the SLCT will allow wider application of this test in clinical practice. %K Attention %K cancellation %K information processing speed %K psychomotor task %K sustained. %U http://www.ijoy.org.in/article.asp?issn=0973-6131;year=2008;volume=1;issue=2;spage=72;epage=75;aulast=Pradhan