%0 Journal Article %T The Pattern of Housing-Health Status among Residential Zones in Uyo Metropolis, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria %A James %A E. E. %A Akpan %A P. A. %A Essien %A A. U. %A Ekpo %A K. J. %J Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries %D 2012 %I International Centre for Integrated Development Research %X This research was conducted in order to examine the pattern of housing-health status among residential zones in Uyo metropolis, Nigeria. A cross-sectional survey in Uyo Metropolis was based on 400 randomly sampled households stratified into 40 residential zones. The study used structured questionnaire administered during a face-to-face interview with heads of household. Housing-health status was measured using indices of physical support, accident/safety, crime/security, indoor temperature/ventilation, household hygiene/sanitation, lighting, crowding, building material type, refuse disposal and environmental quality. Data analysis was done using Chi ¨C square test to examine the Ħ°goodness of fitĦħ between observed distribution of housing-health indicators and the WHO theoretical standards. One way ANOVA was also used to examine variation in housing ¨C health status among residential zones. Results showed significant difference between observed distribution of housing ¨C health indicators and theoretical expectation. Housing ¨C health indicators fell quite below WHO standards. Housing - health status was also found to vary significantly among residential zones. These findings provide the needed platform for improving housing -health status by enforcing stringent housing regulatory frameworks and accelerating the distribution of critical housing infrastructure in cities of developing economies. %K Housing-health status %K health indicator %K Residential zones %U http://www.icidr.org/jeiadc_vol4_no3_dec2012/The%20Pattern%20of%20Housing-health%20Status%20among%20Residential%20Zones%20in%20Uyo%20Metropolis.pdf