%0 Journal Article %T Despersonalizando o ensino de evolu o: ¨ºnfase nos conceitos atrav¨¦s da sistem¨¢tica filogen¨¦tica %A Charles Morphy D. Santos %A Bruna Klassa %J Educa£¿£¿o : Teoria e Pr¨¢tica %D 2012 %I Universidade Estadual Paulista %X It is consensus that the teaching of biology should be centered in evolution. However, there is still great difficulties to defragment the different areas of biological knowledge in order to study them under an evolutionary perspective. Influences of the external environment and incorrect interpretations of this issue affect the way science is understood within the classroom, contributing to a minor and compartmentalized learning, based mainly on memorization. Biology must be treated in a historical-philosophical context, allowing the student to transcend the factual informations and to reach the reasoning underlying them. Aiming to circumvent these difficulties, we discuss here how to work the teaching of evolution as the guiding principle of the biological sciences through the fundamental concepts of phylogenetic systematics (common ancestry, homology and the notion of geological time). Our goal is to deconstruct the personalized and simplistic widespread view of science and to show an alternative to rethink the teaching of biology from the perspective of evolution. %K Evolution %K Geological time %K Phylogenetic systematics %K Teaching of biology %U http://www.periodicos.rc.biblioteca.unesp.br/index.php/educacao/article/view/6271/4590