%0 Journal Article %T Phosphate Sorption in Oxisols in Para¨ªba State, Brazil, Classified as Solution Equilibrium Phosphorus %A Lucia Helena Gar¨®falo Chaves %A Vin¨ªcius Batista Campos M£¿nica %A Shirley da S. Sousa %A D oroteu Hon¨®rio Guedes Filho %J Iranica Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE) %D 2012 %I IDOSI %X Aiming to evaluate the phosphorus adsorption in Oxisols with phosphorus remaining classified using the Langmuir isotherm, a study was developed in the laboratory at Federal University of Campina Grande, PB, with samples of the surface layer (0-20 cm) of three Oxisols of the State of Para¨ªba, differentiating among these the classification of the remaining P-values. The phosphorus levels for adjusting the isotherm were defined based on the remaining P-values. To assess the maximum P adsorption capacity data from P adsorbed and equilibrium concentrations of the solutions were adjusted Langmuir isotherm. This isotherm model could satisfactorily describe the adsorption of phosphorus in soils. The Oxisol sample with high P-rem was the highest value of maximum P adsorption capacity. The maximum P adsorption capacity was correlated with CEC and Ki for the samples classified as P-rem medium and high, respectively. %K Langmuir %K Isotherm %K Tropical soils %U http://www.ijee.net/Journal/ijee/vol3/no1/2.pdf