%0 Journal Article %T Data Management Training for Graduate Students at a Large Research University %A Jessica Adamick %A Rebecca C. Reznik-Zellen %A Matt Sheridan %J Journal of eScience Librarianship %D 2012 %I University of Massachusetts Medical School %X This article describes UMass Amherst Libraries data management workshops and online resources developed for graduate students. Although students respond favorably to general ¡°Data Management Basics¡± workshops, they offer suggestions for improvement and request discipline-specific examples, tools, and resources to augment the general information presented. In response, the Libraries¡¯ Data Working Group aims to develop both broad-based, discipline agnostic workshops as well as on-demand, discipline-specific workshops. %K Data management %K Data management training %K Graduate students %K University libraries %U http://dx.doi.org/10.7191/jeslib.2012.1022