%0 Journal Article %T Causes, Effects and Way Forward to Food Insecurity %A I.R. Ilaboya %A E. Atikpo %A F.E Omofuma %A F.F. Asekhame %J Iranica Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE) %D 2012 %I IDOSI %X This paper examines some important causes and challenges of the global food crisis on human and economic development. The main focus is on analysis of the causes and impact of food insecurity coupled with the measures to achieve adequate food security. Attempt was made to give an overview of the fundamental threat pose by insecurity of food on the people; these include: a moral and humanitarian threat, developmental threat and strategic threat. Issues on the role of biofuels on food insecurity were also discussed. Data on grain production and consumption were collated, in which the surplus/deficit values were computed. The data werethen subjected to statistical testing using the step wise regression model to ascertain the real effects of utilization of grains in biofuels production on the overall security of food. Result of the model shows significant effects of biofuels on food security. A mathematical model was also used to analyse the impact of foodinsecurity on the terms of trade of nations, data generated were also subjected to statistical analysis using the step wise regression model to ascertain the real effects of food insecurity on the terms of trade. Results also show a very high significant effect. Finally, the way forward in ensuring adequate security of food were critically analysed to include among others: Increasing agricultural production, enhancement of science and technology, facilitating market access, rural off farm opportunities and capacity building %K Food security %K Food insecurity %K Sustainability %K Good governance %K Renewable energy programmes %U http://www.ijee.net/Journal/ijee/vol3/no2/12.pdf