%0 Journal Article %T Recursos de aprendizaje en la asignatura de Psiquiatr赤a para la formaci車n del M谷dico Integral Comunitario Learning resources in the subject Psychiatry for the formation of the comprehensive community physician %A Edeltes Cuenca Doimeadios %A Dunia Reyes Hern芍ndez %A Mar赤a Luisa Ellis Yards %A Marlene Navarro Hern芍ndez %J Educaciˋ3n Mˋˋdica Superior %D 2013 %I Editorial Ciencias M谷dicas %X Se realiz車 una investigaci車n descriptiva basada en la revisi車n bibliogr芍fica de documentos curriculares, normativos y metodol車gicos de la carrera de Medicina en Cuba y en la Rep迆blica Bolivariana de Venezuela, mediante an芍lisis y discusi車n con especialistas de Psiquiatr赤a, profesores del Programa Nacional de Formaci車n del M谷dico Integral Comunitario (PNFMIC) y grupo asesor de dise o de la Coordinaci車n Nacional de la Misi車n M谷dica Cubana Barrio Adentro, con el objetivo de dise ar los recursos del aprendizaje a utilizar en dicha asignatura. En la elaboraci車n de los recursos del aprendizaje se tuvo en cuenta que respondieran a los objetivos del programa de estudio de la asignatura de Psiquiatr赤a y al perfil de salida del m谷dico integral comunitario, con las nuevas t谷cnicas de la informaci車n y la comunicaci車n en integraci車n sist谷mica desde la Atenci車n Primaria de Salud. A descriptive study was conducted, on the basis of a literature review of curricular, normative and methodological documents of the medical studies in Cuba and in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. It comprised analysis and discussions with psychiatry experts, professors of the national program of formation of the comprehensive community physician (PNFMIC in Spanish) and the advisory group of the National Coordination System of the Cuban medical mission called Barrio Adentro, with the objective of designing the learning resources to be used in the subject. In preparing the learning resources, it was taken into account that they had to respond to the objectives of the curriculum of the subject Psychiatry and to the output profile of the comprehensive community physician, according to the new information and communication techniques in systemic integration from the primary health care. %K dise o curricular %K recursos de aprendizaje %K medios de ense anza %K estrategias curriculares %K estrategia de aprendizaje %K curricular design %K learning resources %K teaching aids %K curricular strategies %K learning strategy %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-21412013000100005