%0 Journal Article %T The Present Situation Within the Coverage of Reconstruction Efforts in Kosovo %A Sibel Akg¨¹n %J Journal of Gazi Academic View %D 2012 %I Gazi University %X Kosovo won her independence subsequent to internal state conflicts came to an end in the Balkangeography after the Cold War. Based on a structure of ethnic and religious majority, it is a situationthat not only affects Kosovo itself but also the stability of the region as a whole. After the disintegrationof the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1991, the Albanian and Serbian intransigencebetween 1998 and 1999, and as a result of the clashes that subsequently took place due to this intransigencedealt a political and economic blow to this country, which at the pinnacle of ethnic nationalism,entered a new phase after the end of the conflict with the intervention of the international community andin particular NATO. After NATO¡¯s intervention on 24 March 1999, the country began to be administeredby the international community through the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) in accordancewith the UN Security Council¡¯s Resolution No. 1244 of June 1999. Again in line with the resolutionadopted by the UN, a Peace Keeping Force was deployed under NATO command that continues to thisday. In accordance with Resolution No. 1244, the country emerged as a separate entity if not officiallybut de facto from the Serbia and Montenegro Federation. The theoretical framework of the RestructuringModel of the Kosovo State embodied and sustained by the international community; its realization andapplication in Kosovo proper; its status after twelve years; the provision of peace and stability that formsthe basis of this model as well as the point reached and its future in the process of integrating with theinternational community are the main topics of this article. However, while undertaking these issues,the basic deadlocks and questions regarding the construction stage that is being attempted and the pointreached today by this administrative model set by the international community in the 21st century willalso be considered. In undertaking this analysis, the point of departure will be based on the thesis thatsuccess will be difficult in attaining peace and stability and its continuity that is within the coverage ofthis Reconstruction Model and implemented within Kosovo proper, due to the ethnic nationalism existingin the country. %K Kosovo %K Reconstruction %K UNMIK %K Nationalism %K Security. %U http://www.ataum.gazi.edu.tr/e107_files/sayi10/15-sibel-akgun.pdf