%0 Journal Article %T The Foundation of Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet F rkas During Developmental Era of Turkish Democracy Culture %A Mustafa Ekincikli %J Journal of Gazi Academic View %D 2012 %I Gazi University %X TCF is the first independent opposition party in the life of Turkish democracy. The culture of Turkish democracy arrived to the level of civilized countries after ninety years with the governing and the opposition parties. It is the known the fact that, the foundation of TCF is the one of the most important turning points of Turkish democratic culture. The political argue when started with the foundation of TCF, ended with the foundation of a political party that declared its programmes and aims definitely. Althought, today TCF party is accepted normally one of the opposition movements, in the past the party was accepted as a complot and misprision organization by some political gorups. %K Party %K Republic %K Governing %K Opposition %K Public %K Assembly. %U http://ataum.gazi.edu.tr/posts/download?id=46392